After some friendly requests, I wanted to share some pictures of my hex love wip.
I just finished sewing the top together from two halves. In the process of doing so, I removed the paper on the back, leaving two rows for stability.
Before I removed the paper, I cut away the extra corners that made extra bulk. The top picture shows the two rows along the edge that hasn't had the paper templates removed, yet.

This small quilt have a total of 574 1" hexagons in 28 rows of 21. I used Kona Snow, and a selection of Heather Ross yardage, some FFA and some Munki Munki pajamas parts.
Stitching these hexagons together, I tried three different kinds of thread. My lovely friend Rita, showed me the one I like the most, Coats Extra strong Hand Quilting (both strong and slim).
No I need to find a backing...
Can I tempt anyone to try hexagons?
; )
You have tempted me with your awesome Hex quilt. It is sooooo beautiful! I just need to stop putting it off and get on with it.
How do you say F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S in any language!!
Love it, love it, love it!! Thanks for taking the time to show us.
Wow! What detail work! I'm envious of your patience and skill!
As always, you have made a wonderful quilt with beautiful and fresh colours :o) Where do you buy your fabrics, do you have a favourite shop? I have wanted to try hexagons for a whilr, but all the handstitching scares me. Im afraid it would turn out another UFO...
Thanks for showing! It looks crispy and colourful with all the fussy cutted fabrics!
I’m already hooked on making hexagons. I never stitch through the paper templates though.
I love your hexie's. I want to do one so much, for some reason I keep putting it on the back burner. I think I really need to start this soon.
this is so beautiful...i am stunned at how much hand work went into this. how long did it take you?
This is just beautiful! I love the layout. I just finished a table runner of hexies and you have inspired me to keep going on the quilt I'm making. Love it!
Jennifer :)
I am so glad to see you are into english paper piecing. My quilt guild is doing a project with english paper piecing and we are having a blast with it.
Så gøy med intervjuet! Gratulerer! Det var hyggelig å lese.
The hexagon quilt will be a stunner:)! It is gratifying to take out the basting - it is as if the work gets a new life:) Looking forward to seeing more!
You've already tempted me. I'm doing hexies after I finish my FFA2 quilt I'm working on!
No NO and NOOOOOOO. Your quilt looks so beautiful but I'm going to have to pass. I'll leave this up to you. LOL Thats for sharing with us your beautiful quilt.
Makes me want to try some hexagons! That's one quilt that even looks spectacular on the backside. Don't you wish we all looked that good from the rear? LOL
It's sooooo beautiful - but looking at all those seams, no, I don't want to try it, lol! I'll just enjoy looking at yours.
Oh heck, you're inspiring me again Marit!!! Much as I love hexagons, the idea of a whole quilt's worth gives me the shakes, until......................I see something entirely dreamy like this - swoooon!!!
Super gorgeous! And I really think the photos of the back are too!
Love it! The arrangement is so different from what I've seen before. I'm tempted by every project I see on your blog.
It's very VERY beautiful!!!
I have somewhere a hexagon UFO in my house;)
No hexies for me, thanks. I'll just look at and enjoy your great piece. It is beautiful, and the amount of work involved is stunning. Good job!!
Very tempting, I love your setting, this is one gorgeous quilt.
I've never seen the back of a quilt look so neat and tidy! Beautiful needlework, Marit.
Lovely. Tempted, but I hope it'll go away! ;)
My first quilt ever was a hexagon. I was 16 years old, wow..that's a long time ago! (I'm 52 now) All sewn by hand over templates made of paper. Your quilt is lovely!
wow, that is gorgeous! I've always wanted to do a hex quilt but never had the guts. It's beautiful.
I LOVE your hexagon quilt! Almost 100 people, that I am aware of, have already been tempted to make a hexagon flower quilt. They have joined me for One Flower Wednesday. I can't believe how different and how beautiful each of them are.
Hi there! I'm so glad I found your blog! I love hexies and I really love your random placement! Gorgeous!! I am working on hexie quilt now and you have totally inspired me :) xox
Really gorgeous Marit!!!
Your hexies look fabulous and I have caught the bug too lol. Its such fun...I have been eyeing off others hexies they have been doing for some time and it feels good to be finally doing them :) I hope mine turn out as good as yours.
I'm very impressed!!! So much work and it is going to be so pretty! I am tempted to try hexagons, but it would have to be something very small...
wow Marit, it's beautiful! The only way I sew hexies is by machine. I'll just have to drool over your handsewn ones!
Love the photos of the back!
I love the colors!
This is amazing!!! Now you are tempting me to do hexagons, even though I never thought I would. Beautiful quilt!!
I also like your scrap buster. Now, that one I could try.
i havejust joined a hexy flower swap so have started my journey into the very addictive worl of hexagon quilts.
gorgeous! I am working on some hexies right now,both fabric and crochet.
Oh wow...oh wow Marit...your hexie project is wonderful!! I love how yours is kind of 'off'center'...'off-kelter'! How unusual and different your design is and I LOVE it!! MUST put a 'Clamshell' quilt on your list too!!!
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