Thank you for all the lovely comments on my star blocks! It is time for a little update on my last post. The stars are put together on a dark blue (Kona Nightfall), that changes color when photographed in different angle and light.
The blocks were cut down askew from 6.5" to 5.5". Ending up 5" in the finished top. This way they are twinkling a bit more. Some of the star points were cut off in the process, too.
I added three more rows, aiming for a 50" by 75" size lap:
Now to ponder quilting it myself or sending it out. So many options, such hard choices to be made...
; )
I will probably have to sleep on it!
Hope november is treating you all ok. It's getting cold around here. I am glad I have a pile of quilts to keep me warm!
Fantastic, Marit !
Love the dark blue color !
Can`t wait to see it live.
gorgeous. this quilt definitly twinkles! so much inspiration in your work!
What a lovely quilt. I love the dark sky background.
Beautiful and sparkly... Like looking up in the sky at night :)
I love the dark sky, it looks like a view to the universe. Great work!
Warm spots in a dark blue surrounding,
I love this Quilt !!
I love this top. The stars are definitely twinkling!
Fantastic with the twinkling stars on the dark blue sky.
Almost like the Swedish song Blinka lilla stjärna, Twinkle little star. I was so inspired, and I don´t love blue.
Thanks for sharing
Really love it, it's so original.
Oh Marit, another love affair with stars but this time at night. Again, you've created an ethereal piece!
My jealousy is overwhelming! Will you send me just a smidge of your creativity?! ☺
So peaceful looking.... Maybe meandering with random star quilted in dark blue thread on the Nightfall, with fussier quilting on stars themselves...
Love it; what a fabulous, deep blue for your sky!
It's gorgeous! The stars really do twinkle.
Jennifer :)
That dark background makes those stars sing!
Oh Oh...I'm swooning over this top!!!
The color combinations are perfection with the twinkling little stars!!
this quilt top is gorgeous!! you are inspiring me to get on a star quilt of my own. i love the size of the blocks and the colors. so beautiful!!
This is already my favourite of your quilts! I love, love the colours!
Gorgeous!! I love this quilt, can't wait to see it quilted :)
stunning! you are so talented Marit!
I absolutely love this quilt top! Although I am rather addicted to light colours and a lot of white I think this top is just gorgeous! The stars with the lightblue "background" really seem to glimmer and shine on a dark velvet sky at night. Great effect!
Another stunner, Marit!.....love your light fixture as well!!
Gorgeous! I love everything about this!
Wow it´s so beautiful - a lovely star night :)
Beautiful! :)
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