18 April 2012

hip to be square

I am slowly quilting my hip to be square with perle cotton no 16 on quilters dream request cotton batting and a voile (extra wide) backing. The thin batting and soft back has a lovely feel to it.

Wish you all a lovely wednesday!


Mavi. said...

Queda genial con el acolchado en negro. Me gusta tu quilt.

Quiltefia said...

Hei!! Kjempefin!! Du synes ikke det er tungt å quilte med perlegarn?? Jeg har såvidt prøvd med ble ikke overbevist!! Men det ser!! veldig fint ut!! Har du tips på hvordan nål det lønner seg å bruke?? AnneK:-)

Heidi said...

looks lovely

Jodi said...

Oh, boy! If I look at these gorgeous blocks any longer I'll be drooling!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Marit, this is gorgeous!! I'm just getting ready to quilt my granny squares. I was just going to go around the outside of the squares but I really like what you have done. So can I steal your design, please?

verykerryberry said...

The perle cotton is adding such texture and dimension! Beautiful effect

sew katie did said...

Oh, I wanna drop by and have a cup of tea so you can show me how to hand stitch!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful! Your quilting is so good!

Jennifer :)

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi! Your quilt is going to be so beautiful! That is a lot of quilting but worth of it - looks fantastic! x Teje

Tilonino said...

Åååå så utrolig fint Marit :
Nå fikk jeg veldig lyst til å sy mer av den blokka. Jeg har laget et pute men tror jammen jeg skal suy noen til til et teppe...... får begynne å skjære i morgen.
Gleder meg til uka :)
Klem fra Tine

Lucy | Charm About You said...

oh my gosh the quilting looks incredible!! gorgeous and such tiny stitches :)

Heather A said...

This is beautiful! Do you mind telling me how you basted your quilt? Did you use spray or just pins?

I ask because I just pin basted my first quilt (a smallish one) and after only just starting to hand quilt it, I see that I'm going to have to adjust a whole lot of pins to prevent puckers. I'm contemplating taking the pins out and spray basting. Or doing old fashioned needle and thread basting. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!

trish said...

So pretty and I adore your hand stitches!!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

This looks fantastic..love the quilting!

shellysquilts said...

Hey Marit, Just beautiful! I love it! Well done!

Tilonino said...

Jeg gleder meg til å se dette i virkeligheten. Det var synet av dette teppet som gjorde at jeg fikk sylysten tilbake :) God helg Marit
Klem fra Tine

Michele T said...

I am loving the granny square quilt block - thanks for your handquilting idea!!!

Michele T said...

I am loving the granny square quilt block - thanks for your handquilting idea!!!

jmb_craftypickle said...

that is some seriously awesome quilting!!

Chase said...

Love your granny squares!

Carla said...

Your granny squares are so adorable! I really want to cave and jump on that band wagon....love your quilting as well, my dear!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Kjempelekkert, både blokkene og quiltingen!!

Sujata Shah said...

This quilt is gorgeous.. Even more gorgeous.... your stitches!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

It's so pretty! :)

Unknown said...

Teppet blir utrolig flott med quiltingen! Det er en fryd å følge med på hva du lager, masse fint :o)

InGa said...

Dette blir da utrolig flott. Venter spent på å se det hele..
men vilken jobb..
Ha en fin helg

Lynne said...

Oh wow, what a great idea. It looks fabulous.