21 June 2012

summer solstice

it's a quiet and sunny morning of summer solstice

and I'm having a little photoshoot on the terrace

showing my hand-quilting in perle cotton a good 7" apart

enjoying some good company as Mars is waking up to the adventures of the day

(comfortable in having the house to herself? )

so many tempting smells and sounds for a kitty...

there's a lot of good therapy in quilting by hand...

and I have been busy finishing both these two triangle quilts

... just easy and steady stitches

luckily I have three more tops waiting...

summer sorbet finished at 70" by 72"
sunset garden finished at 59" by 72"

both hand-quilted in perle cotton on Hobbs Thermore polyester batting

Happy with both quilts. Hope they will be used ouside on the terrace enjoying the few light summer evenings we get up here...

Wish you all a beautiful summer solstice!


Charlotte said...

both of those quilts are looking beautiful - the hand quilting is the perfect touch.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Such perfect summery quilts, Marit! Have a lovely summer, both you and Mars!

Jodi said...

fan-tastic, both of them.

Anonymous said...

They're both beautiful. Love the soft colors of the first one!

dutchcomfort said...

Those quilts have a soothing feel! I hope both you and Mars will have a lovely Summer!

heartsofhampshire said...

Speechless.................I culd even be a little envious of these beauties!
Must try hand quilting again!
Heather x

Mary said...

Beautiful quilts! So summery! Hand quilting is so relaxing and it is the perfect way to finish such sweet quilts :)

pinsandneedles said...

Beautiful quilts and perfect for summer solstice in Norway! Glad to hear the day was sunny. Only 5 more days until we arrive in Norway!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Marit! Mars is so beautiful! As your new quilts, too! I love your colours, fabrics and the pattern! Those are the best summer moments - sitting outside with beautiful quilt! I enjoy also so much hand quilting! x Teje

Jennifer said...

Beautiful work! Your quilting is wonderful and I agree, binding by hand is great therapy.

Jennifer :)

Nifty Quilts said...

Beautiful! Beautiful!! Happy Summer Solstice to you! I'm glad your other kitty is keeping you good company.

Melanie said...

Could you tell me what needle and size of perle cotton you use?

Quiltefia said...

Så fine!! Du er flink!! AnneK:-)

Fabric Warrior (aka Amie) said...

Beautiful quilt and beautiful quilting. My own triangle quilt is coming along nicely as well, thanks to you! : ) Btw, very sorry for your loss. Pets are our family too, and it hurts so much to lose one.

Anonymous said...

Fresh, cool and beautiful! Hand quilting is such a lovely thing to do! Take care, Byrd

Tonya Ricucci said...

So sorry about your beautiful Venus. Glad you and Mars are both hanging in there. thinking of you. take care.

Carla said...

I'm sorry about your kitty, Marit. :(
Such lovely quilts. Thanks for doing the tute on how to do this. I'm behind on my blog reading and trying to catch up...need to get a ruler so that I can join you.
Happy summer!

Fran said...

Stunning quilts! The fabrics are beautiful and suit the design so well. Am envious ;-)

Judy said...

Wonderful quilts! I love the softness of the colors of the first one. Hand quilting is quite peaceful and the quilts that I've hand quilted are my favorites. Enjoy your quilts!

Quiltefeen said...

Fantastisk lekre tepper, nydelige farger.. :)
Takk for inspirasjonen.. :)
Klem fra Kristin

Chase said...

Love both quilts! Your hand quilting is perfect! I love you used different color thread instead of traditional white. Do you happen to use pearl cotton thread?

Quilter Kathy said...

Gorgeous photos of amazing quilting!

Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with triangles right now and these are both beauties!