Thank you all for nice comments and contributions, making this blogging community a good place, sharing the joy!!!
To celebrate, I have a finish to show you- the spiderweb from last years tutorial is done. It took me some time gathering the strips (half a year), and I ended up using a nice selection of my favorite fabrics.
The back with all seams showing. Since its not sewn on any foundations, no paper to rip away, no extra layer of fabric. Quite happy with this technique, and will use it again!

I pinned this top before quilting. Usually I baste the top. This time I took a chance on just pinning. And it worked like a charm. Its quilted with a small meandering. I used Hobbs 80 / 20 batting and hope it will shrink up a little when I wash it...
This is another one in my narrow wall quilt series: Scrappy Spiderweb 29" * 67". I have used all the colors of the rainbow, lots of different prints in different strip widths. The solid is Kona White (Robert Kaufman).
And it is two sided! I made 12 blocks for the front, but didn't like it, too much going on, too busy. So I moved two blocks to the back. It was a bit tricky to center them before quilting. It worked out, and now I have my first two sided quilt!

It is nice having a finish - just one year later! I still love this block and am quite sure I will make some more. Next time I'll probably limit my range of colors, and maybe make the blocks a bit larger, starting with a 15" square.
Hope your week is a good one!
It is G O R G E O U S! All the colors are mesmerizing and wonderful. I have to try this out:)) It has been two lovely years!! Take care. U
Congrats on your 2 year blogaversary! Thank you for sharing all of your creations and more.
I love the new finished wall hanging quilt, and the fact that it is double sided! Great colors.
Happy blogisversary!
I love your spiderweb tutorial - as you know. It's simple, it works - I couldn't ask for more!
I also LOVE your the new wall quilt - fantastic colours and quilting.
Happy blogiversary.
Your spider web is wonderful.
Andi :-)
Has it really been 2 years? Happy blogaversary.
Wonderful ! Love both faces of wallhanging. Thanks for sharing the tuto. Happy blogiversary !
Stunning, stunning,stunning. Love it.
Happy anniversary.
I haven't yet quilted the top your tutorial inspired me to make. The small meandering is a good idea. And, I like how the bottom border is deeper than the sides and top.
Thanks for such an enjoyable blog.
congrats, marit. this is a wonderful quilt to show to celebrate! i love that it's tall and skinny and the back is so great too!
this is beautiful!!happy 2 years!!!
what a great finish! thanks for showing us the skinny quilt, and thanks so much for the tutorial. I used it and sent other people your way. My spiderweb is pieced, and I hope to sew the blocks together this weekend.
Marit, It is GORGEOUS! I love, love, love it! The setting is fabulous and what is better than a pieced back? Very Well done! Happy quilting!
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary!!! I love your spiderweb quilt. It is gorgeous.
Oh Marit, it's beautiful! I love BOTH sides!
Happy blogiversary! I look forward to reading many, many more of your posts!
Marit -- that spiderweb quilt is perfection itself! I can't believe how neat your back is! Fabulous work and gorgeous colors! I really want to do a spiderweb quilt this year!
Oh my goodness what a stunning piece of art! I love the front~I love the back. Congratulations on 2 years and here's to many more.
Happy, happy, happy blogaversary to you, Marit!! The spiderweb is fabulous!!
Congrats on your blogiversary! The quilt is just lovely! And it's finished - even better!
Gratulerer!! med både 2 års dag og superfin quilt!! Jeg blir stum av beundring!! Når du kommer med innleggene dine, er det fine ting og ikke bare snikk snakk..... Utrolig bra og INSPIRERENDE...... AnneK:-)
This is just wonderful! I love it. Happy anniversary too!
Congratulation to your two years!I started last year and it is trouly an amazing community!
I L-O-V-E the back of the quilt, so simple but BEAUTIFULY calm.Thank you for sharing the tutorial.
Marit, that's just beautiful! I have GOT to try your tutorial someday!
Congrats on your two years, and here's to many more!!
Congratulations on your blogiversay! Thank you for sharing your wonderful projects with us. Your work is beautiful and amazing.
And so is your Spiderweb quilt! I love that it's 2-sided. You did a marvelous job on it. I like that you're working within a size restriction. Do you find it freeing or restricting? I think all the ones you've done in that size work very well within the restriction...well-thought-out and complete.
Here's to many more years of blogging!
Congratulations on your blog-iversary, and that quilt is just stunning - wow I could never center the back like that! I love it, it's truly amazing. What a happy quilt!
Happy BlogAnniversary!!!!
Your spiderweb quilt is marvellous:)
Congratulations Marit! On the 2 year blogging and on your gorgeous spiderweb wall quilt!
And thanks for the tutorial!
Wow, stunning! I am so impressed! You have done a splendid job! Congratulations on your blogaversary! Please keep it up!
Happy blog anniversary!! Thanks for the tute, also - its easy to follow and looks fun to create ~
Congrats on the 2 yrs. I guess I'v been reading since very near the beginning as I absolutely love your sense of design and colour--you inspire me. I too have a couple of narrow walls and have been meaning to do 'something' to them--again I think you've given me and idea. Must the be Norwegian blood in me --I'm totally in sync with your ideas. Thanks Marit
Ann Moum
(family is from Elsevrolfsoy (Spelling?) outside of Oslo, and Bergen.
Congratulations on 2 years! The quilt looks great!
You always use negative space so well. I love it and happy blogversity.
Both spider web quilts are gorgeous! I must try this soon.
Congratulations on your 2nd blogversary! I love your Spider Web Quilt, it turned out beautiful!!! I'm thinking about making one for a Challenge.
Congratulations on two years blogging. The quilt is wonderful, I love the back very much.
Congrats on two years of blogging!! Love the finished spiderweb! so much so I'm going to make one NOW!!
using YOUR tutorial!!!!
Happy blogaversary, may there be many many more!!!
Excellent! The time certainly goes fast when having fun doesn't it?
I am always amazed at how time has flown for our blogs!
We come, we visit, we leave a note and we've been doing it for so long that we don't think about it.
Love the wall hanging...I should be more adventurous!
Congrats on 2 years! As always, I love your work and how you describe it.
Gratulerer med to år - og komplimenter for de hvite-og fargede quiltene du har vist på de siste innleggene. Nå har jeg gått fra timeglassblokkene og utover og kost meg stort :)
I absolutely love this long narrow quilt... I have to try and make one :)
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