Eva's garden is finished and gifted. It measures 60" by 75", quilted with baptist fans on Hobbs Thermore batting by the talented Merete.
It was fun making these 15" blocks, balancing variations and repetitions, playing with size and proportions...
And the best part is, it was well received!
; )
Wish you all a sunny weekend!
I'm not surprised it was well received Marit, it is a beauty! I love the different size squares mixed in with the three large squares of flowers and butterflies. Fabulous! xo
The Baptist fans are perfect! Just the right amount of curves to go with the graphic nature of the quilt. A wonderful gift!
What a fun mix of contemporary and traditiona...the fan quilting motif really is a great balance with the straight lines in the blocks. Nice!
I love the colours and piecing, great quilt!
Wow! It's gorgeous - I also love the mix of modern lines but using florals that give a vintage hint. Beautiful!
Very pretty! I like the Baptist Fan on that...perfect design for that quilt!
Hei!! Så hyggelig å få og gi bort!! Superfin!! Det rosestoffet med sommerfugler er så fint!! Jeg har lett etter det, men er nok borte...... Ha enfin helg!! AnneK:-)
Beautiful. I really like the large floral, and then the different sizes of squares. And the curves of the Baptist fans.
Fantastisk teppet! Ville aldri ha valgt disse fargene, men gud hvor fin de er!!
It's fabulous Marit and so happy it was loved by the recipients too.
I love the baptist fan quilting, I'd love to do another quilt with those.
Heldige hun som fikk dette flotte teppet. Du er så dyktig :)
great quilt! What a special gift.
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