11 November 2012

sunday morning paper

I like quiet sunday mornings. Here, the kids are coming to the door trying to sell us the sunday morning paper, but today I have my own...

My sunday morning paper finished at 80" by 80", long arm quilted on quilters dream select.

The quilt is made from Cheryl Arkison's quilt pattern sunday morning, in the lovely book sunday morning quilts that she has written together with Amanda Jean Nyberg. (I recommend the book highly, it contains lots of fun quilts with a focus of sorting and using your scrap.) 

I used a lot of text fabric in mine, aiming for the look of newspaper columns. It's a fun and easy pattern to sew... 

I wish the weather was more like this:

Since it's not (extremely wet weekend, even for this part of Norway) all pictures are taken inside.

The quilt is backed with a lovely golden print from the Habitat collection by Jay McCarroll.

Do you ever read the sunday morning paper? Or do you like me, like to read quilt blogs, instead?

; )

Wish you a lovely sunday!


Cille said...

It's a beautiful quilt - perfect for Sundays mornings :)

judith said...

Oh yes i love reading quilt blogs on quiet sunday mornings!
And i love your quilt!!!!
I think i need this book very soon :)

heartsofhampshire said...


Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Marit! I looove your quilt! As a Finnish I'm used to have every day morning paper and in Finland it comes at 5 o'clock to every almost) home, so everyone can read it before leaving to work.
20 years in Greece and still I miss morning paper and I had to start to read something else with my coffee. Last two years with my blog, I have read your lovely posts and so many others with my morning coffee.
I love your fabrics with texts and even those colours are like from the news paper. I wish I could have that quilt in my kitchen to read every morning!
x Teje

Jodi said...

What a very pretty quilt! I do sit down to read the Sunday morn paper, but then soon myself bringing my laptop to the dining room table to catch up on blogs - so irresistible knowing I will find beauties such as yours to gaze at!

Barb said...

great quilt! i love the softness of the fabric mix. Looks great hanging!

Ann Marie said...

This does remind me of newspaper columns. I like this one a lot.

Nifty Quilts said...

Fresh, warm, cozy, beautiful. You have such a wonderful way of combining fabrics.

Tåsen Quiltelag said...

Hei!! Denne quilten er helt utrolig fin!! du har klart å lage ditt eget særpreg på denne!! Jeg har boka, og har forsåvidt lagt stoffer i en boks klart......Men når det blir?? Denne quilten fortjente å bli sendt bort til quilting!! Ha en fin kommende uke!!Annekari:-)

Margreet said...

Lovely quilt! Nice fabrics you did use. Just perfect for quiet and lazy sundays......

Cristin said...

I read the Sunday morning ads... THEN quilt blogs :-)
LOVE your quilt! That book has been on my list for quite a while now - maybe someone will get it for me this Christmas! haha

Franziska said...

I don't have quiet sunday mornings (two little children = no quiet mornings :) ). But if I have some minutes for me I read blogs. :) I like your quilt. And you take wonderful photos inside, so there's no need for outside photos. :) I like how you hang the quilt at the wall. Very nice idea. You recommend the book? It's on my wishlist for Christmas, too. Hope that someone tells it to Santa. :)

Nat at Made in Home said...

Sunday morning is for catching up on French TV (we are in the UK). I love your quilt!

Carla said...

Your finished Sunday Morning quilt is awesome, Marit!

Unknown said...
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Una said...

Your quilt is so, so beautiful. What an eye you have for color and pattern. I just love it to bits - the grays and turquoise AND orange. And what a backing! The quilting is magnificent - hold on to your quilter. You've done an amazing job. It shows you must have had a lot of fun making it! Big hug, Una

Lappedamen said...

This is the best Sunday morning paper I have seen, ever.

Sharon said...

What a great design, well done! I love how used all the text fabric with light color, it's monochromatic but so scrappy

Anjeanette said...

I adore this quilt! Thanks for sharing it.

Jennifer said...

This is gorgeous! I'm pretty sure I say that I love every one of your quilts but this is definitely one of my very favorites!

Jennifer :)

Live a Colorful Life said...

I love reading the Sunday paper. However, I think in this case I would rather gaze of your amazing quilt! I have so many texty fabrics--years of collecting, even before they became popular--and I also love that book so I might like to try something similar. Your quilts always inspire me!

daveandlo said...

Thanks for featuring this quilt and the book it came from on your blog. I bought the book yesterday and love it! I made one king sized scrap quilt, (well, it's almost done) and I can't wait to make more! Lois

Amanda Jean said...


Your Sunday morning paper quilt is absolutely stunning!! Isn't low volume fun? It's funny, because I was so scared of it at first, but now I'm smitten!


sew katie did said...

wonderful quilt. that book is so fun. love anything scrappy!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

What a divine quilt Marit, I love it. I would be happy 'reading' your quilt on a Sunday morning! xo

jeifner said...

Those colors are so beautiful! I like it so much.