I saw this quilt "in person" back in october 2009, at
a lecture by Kaffe Fassett and fell in love with it immediately. I have made several quilts from many of his books but I have never tried to copy both the pattern and the exact fabric choices...

Simple design, one patch and fourpatch, framed by ninepatch - easy peasy?

Substituting a few out of print fabrics. Putting it all together in a painting by number fashion:

Big test on being accurate in the 1/4 inch seam allowance.

And finally, a flimsy, 80" by 85"... Quite happy ; ) ...
The original, that I liked so much, was handquilted in perle cotton running stitch. It is quite big, so I am a bit worried about doing that, myself without a proper frame. So I am considering having it quilted on a longarm, in an all over pattern.
Have to think about the next step. Any good advice for hand-quilting a quilt this size is most welcome...
Happy sewing!
The most 'simple' ideas are so often the best, aren't they? I could spend all day gazing at that beauty. Wonderful, Marit!
It's absolutely GORGEOUS.
If you baste the crap out of it, hand quilting should be very do-able.
I think you're up for that challenge!!!
Andi :-)
Its beautiful, like most quilts in Kaffe's books :o)
Wow!! Det er litt av et arbeid!! En helt utrolig mengde små biter!! Og den er veldig vakker!! Ha en fin helg hilsen AnneK:-)
WHOA!!! I was wondering where you were hiding - now I understand you have been busy (thought so:)) I hope he gets to see it, for it is beautiful! Now for the hand quilting - I think a good basting job is the key to a nice result. Once care is given to the basting, quilting with a hoop is quite manageable. When pulled up around your lap the quilt sort of makes up a pillow for the hoop and arms to rest upon. It is such a lovely assembly of colors, it will be color therapy for sure quilting it. xo Una (OK, now I see Andi and I are on the same wave level - grin)
NYDELIGT!!!! du har vært kjempeflink. Ble skikkelig imponert nå!!Ha en fin helg :D
I just love taking a simple pattern and making it something spectacular. Great look!
Don't you wish you had his staff?
He designs and they build it...love them all.
Yours are lovely
GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! Oh I love this so much - I think it would be a delight to hand-quilt. I would pin, pin, pin - and take the pins out as you go. I never use a hoop or frame. The last big quilt I hand-quilted was king size. It took almost all my pins!
Fantastic looking quilt , the thought of hand quilting that baby makes me a bit nervous ... but it does look stunning all done ( in the book )
It's absolutely beautiful, well done.
When I first saw this one on your blog, I went and ordered the kit, I love it so much. Well done, it's as gorgeous as I imagined. I've big stitched a quilt that big in my lap hoop with no problems, I just have to move it sooner than in traditional hand quilting. It was very quick to do.
I love it Marit! I've admired this quilt but have felt too intimidated to try it. I'm afraid I would never get all of colors to line up right.
Lovely! I've always admired that quilt, too! I'll bet it was fun putting all those gorgeous fabric pieces together and watching the design come alive.
Oooo, absolutely gorgeous and so vibrant. Good for you!
absolutely stunning!
So beautiful! Everyone who looks at this quilt must feel happier because of it. Much of my quilting is with longer stitches, although I have not used perle cotton. I prefer a longer needle than a between, so that I can fit 3 or 4 of the longer stitches on it. But the needle can't be too thin or it will bend too easily. I use Roxanne sharps size 10, but the eye is probably too small for perle cotton. Also, I make sure to loosen the tension of the quilt in the frame or hoop, so that I can tilt the needle easily with so many stitches on it.
Fantastisk flott syn!
It's beautiful! I love that quilt!
Beautifully done, Marit! Happy quilting!
Oh Marit, it's beautiful!
This is gorgeous. Can see why you fell for it! Good job on finishing it!
It is lovely. You can quilt a quilt that large in your lap (a hoop or not) it just has to be basted or pinned really really well.
You quilts is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Oh yes.....I like it Marit....I'm anxious to see your 'Amish' quilt finish too!
I recently hand quilted (with a hoop only!) a king sized quilt. I just hand basted the thing to death and it went really smoothly. I totally think it's do-able!!
Wonderful ! I loove it !
beautiful quilt top. You CAN handquilt this yourself with perle cotton. It will be beautiful. Don't need a frame or a hoop to do it. If just getting it basted is a problem because of the size you could get the longarmer to baste it for you.
Love the colours and find Kaffe Fassett's quilts brilliant. I think you have done an amazing job following his colours and design. I've made a few of his designs and am for the first time trying to follow his print layout as well. It's much harder than using your own colours. Just trying to keep track of the colour coding the book uses and then compromising for out of print colours is a nightmare! As for hand quilting, its easy and almost like therapy after the mess of the cutting and sewing. Just snuggle up on the couch, turn on some music and stitch. Good Luck with it.
This is beautiful!
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