One of the fascinating things about the quilt-along is mixing a lot of different fabric / scraps / leftover strings by dividing them in two groups: light and dark. Penny's blocks are great, and tempted me to look through my stash for my light / mostly white fabrics. I soon discovered there wasn't a whole lot of them.... Lots of mediums, few darks, few lights. So I had to make a note to myself to try to balance that in the future!
I was lucky to have some Warm & White 100% cotton batting in my stash, and started playing. Some of my favorite Heather Ross prints and her Munki Munki (deconstructed pajamas parts) soon found their way into the blocks. I used quite colorful fabrics as the darks, and decided to add more white than the original idea. After making some blocks I tried to find more variations of the light / dark compositions.
As you might see, the blocks are not trimmed yet. So far I have made 20 blocks, and are aiming for another ten. I am having fun, using up my few light fabrics, and a lot of thread....
A little warning: this is so much fun it's highly addictive ... Take a look!
Have fun
; )
Well done, Marit !
I think I have to go "over" and have a look, aswell.
Your blocks looks great !
Totally awesome!
I’m curious to see in what way the backing will be attached to the quilted blocks with batting!
Lovely blocks. Looking forward to watching it progress.
Your blocks are gorgeous, I'm very tempted, especially with it being quilt as you go.
Hei!! Det ser utrolig fint ut!! Fine farger og stoffer. Du er godt på det!! Jeg vurderte å prøve å følge med på det opplegget også, men log-cabin er ikke min favoritt. Det blir alltid?? skakt for meg. Men jeg kunne prøvd et litt mindre arbeid. Jeg vil gjerne høre hvordan det går når du skal føye dem sammen!! Og hvordan du veldger å gjøre det!! Jeg får ikke sydd så mye om dagen, jeg må rydde arbeidplassen min først. Den er full av stoff...... Ha en fin helg!! AnneKari:-)
Great blocks, I have always wanted to try quilt as you go. I can't wrap my head around how you put them together. I am sure if I did it once it would make sense.
these are beautiful...i am intrigued by this method
I'm the same way - lots of mediums and darks, but very few lights. Your blocks are beautiful so far! Lots of great contrast and eye catching color!
That does look like fun, and your blocks are fantastic! If I didn't already have 5 billion projects in progress, I'd join you guys!
These are looking GREAT!!!!
Kjempeflott teppe i friske farger. Du er så flink:o)
Det er en award til deg på bloggen min.
Ha en fin uke!
Keep going! Those are great!
Oh that is lovely! I used the wee bit from Heather Ross that you sent me on the back of a quilt. Thanks!
wonderful. I love the lightness of it. I've got tons of darks in my stash and lots of mediums - I'm missing lights. cute kitty!
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