Anyway, it is quilted on a long arm, using Quilters Dream Select (cotton) batting. My Bonnie's Stars is 64" * 80", and my shoulder is still hurting from sewing the binding down by hand. (Couldn't help myself, too tempting.)
Sorry about the complaining, ladies. I am very happy with the final quilt, love the weight and feel of it.
Ready to be used...
The last picture compares the color palette of my three "winter quilts". The top one was started first. The other two has wool batting.
Is the similarity of colors by chance or is it some kind of subconscious choice? I am happy about how well they play together...
Still bleak winter days with poor light. Still cold. No sewing before my neck and shoulder improves. What is a girl to do????
(taking a break from sewing makes one appreciate it even more...)
Be well and have fun with it!
winter maybe be bleak, but that quilt it just the spark to liven it up! It's lovely marit!
Beautiful quilting. Happiness is a warm and crinkly finish.
beautiful quilt and yes, gorgeous all displayed together. so sorry about the physical problems interfering. no fun at all! wishing you health and sunshine!
Oh Marit! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! All three. I love traditional blocks!
Gorgeous - I love the traditional blocks against the modern piecing in your last photo!
wow! what a beautiful quilt!!
I love it!
The quilt and quilting are wonderful Marit! DO I understand you can work on a longarm quilting machine? Wow! I would love that! The pattern seems to need a lot of attaching and detaching of threads!
Sorry about your shoulder! Take care!
Your new quilt is gorgeous!! And it looks so good with your other winter quilts. Lovely collection. Hope your pain clears up soon. Lots of creative incubation time.
That quilt looks great! It is perfectly winter. it is definitely a January quilt.
Oh Marit! It is wonderful! I love the colours. Today I finished one that takes me a very long time. I understand what you feel when the quilt is finished.
Oh, I really love your T block, and seeing the before and after (quilting) pics :)
Hei!! Nå har jeg sittet i flere minutter å tittet på denne fantastisk "nye" quilten du viser oss!! Mønsterblokkene er så vakre, avstemte men veldig spennende allikevel. Baksiden setter virkelig prikken over i´en!! Lurt å få den quiltet på maskin. Deg har faktisk sydd 2 kvelder nå. En konfirmasjonsgave til et fadderbarn. Enkelt, men det kommer ikke helt av seg selv. Jeg må tenke og jobbe!! Men det er gøy. Skal vise frem når jeg har kommet litt lengre. Jeg kjenner også en murring i høyre skulder og det er ikke bra. Men det er strikkingen sin skyld..... Håper du snart får orden på skulderen og nakken!! AnneK:-)
I do love your latest quilt. It is gorgeous. And I love the way it is lined up with 2 completely different quilts. You are so versatile. Long arm quilting as well! Hope that pain vanishes quickly and allows you to get back to what you obviously do so well.
With the last name of Timberlake, I have always wanted to make a T block quilt....yours is so pretty. I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder....does machine quilting bother you too? Baptist Fans are a favorite quilting motif of mine as well. Time to swaddle yourself in those quilts and read a book, I think!! =)
Those quilts are playing together beautifully! I especially like the more traditional quilt right next to the more modern one. Feel better soon!
your work is beautiful :)
Gorgeous quilt and the baptist fans are a perfect finish to it.
Hope your neck and shoulder get better soon!
Gorgeous quilt! The quilting is perfect too.
You should sit under those lovely quilts and relax, that's what you should do!
Nydelig quilt, fargene er så gode, og quiltinga passet helt perfekt!
All of your winter quilts are beautiful! Some people find it very challenging to use the long arm quilting machine, especially those who are just beginning quilting. I'm glad you were able to create a beautiful quilt using the longarm quilting machine even though you're arm and neck are hurting. Sorry to hear about your hurting shoulder and your neck. I hope you're feeling much better now. Take care!
I love your quilt! Would you let me know the pattern? I googled "Bonnie's Star" but didn't see one that looked like yours.
Thank you!
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